Class Carer Program

The Class Carer Program has been established to support a positive, harmonious partnership between families and the school by:
  • Creating a welcoming and friendly environment for our families;
  • Supporting Families to feel they are a valued part of our school community;
  • Supporting Teachers with any help they may need from parents;
  • Uniting the class community through nurturing a sense of belonging; 
  • Supporting the community through alignment with The Silkwood Way.
Each Advisory is assigned a Class Carer at the beginning of each school year to assist with:
  • Organising Year level play dates to help families get to know each other and strengthen the class community;
  • Encouraging and supporting the members of the class group to get involved in school activities and SCCA events (eg Trivia Night, Breakfasts, Kids in Business Market etc);
  • Welcoming new families to the class and arranging appropriate introductions with other parents;
  • Promoting the school and parent engagement opportunities;
  • Encouraging new families to attend the Welcome Morning Tea to meet the Principal (at the start of each school year);
  • Organising gifts of appreciation for Advisor birthdays, World Teacher Day and end of year thank-you;
  • Organising parent helpers for requested class activities such as festivals, food donations, fresh flower roster etc;
  • Support the school with the moderation of the official Year Level Facebook Groups.

How it Works
Class Carer Coordinator

The Class Carer Coordinator (appointed by the SCCA) oversees the Class Carer program. They coordinate and support Class Carers throughout the year and lead the Class Carer meetings and training.

Who can become a Class Carer?

Class Carers are volunteer parents & carers.

How to become a Class Carer

A call for expressions of interest is sent out to parents & carers at the end of the school year by the Class Carer Coordinator (in preparation for the year ahead) and, if not placed at that time, again at the beginning of the year.

Class Carers (usually two) are then selected by the Class Carer Coordinator in the first week of Term 1. The school will formally notify families and Advisors of the placement of these roles. 

If you are a parent or carer in our school community and you are interested in becoming a Class Carer, please contact our school reception for more details.

Want to know more?

Email Silkwood