Policies and Publications

At Silkwood, we work hard to create a safe and friendly environment for everyone. Our advisory approach, smaller campus and class sizes, and a focus on student self-management allow us the opportunity to work closely with our students and school team on developing a culture of care.

Through all our programs, students have opportunities to experience a wide range of cultures, ideas, and people from all walks of life. This aims to bring acceptance for all people, regardless of their differences or diversity, and create a harmonious school environment for everyone.

Students are also regularly engaged in developing skills in communication, conflict resolution, and restorative practices. They are supported to use these skills to understand themselves and their impact on others, resolve differences if they arise, and work together with their Advisor and advisory group to create a harmonious learning team.

Silkwood School has appropriate policies in place regarding acceptable standards of behaviour and the safety of all community members, which are reviewed periodically. Silkwood is committed to growing effective relationships for learning.

Please read more about our specific school policies using the links below:

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